
I'm a working mom who loves to cook. I don't subscribe to any diet fads and we don't have dietary restrictions in our house. We just love healthy, home-cooked, from-scratch food.

To say I'm addicted to recipes is an understatement. I can sit and read a cookbook like you read a novel. Magazines with recipes litter my desk and counter tops. Even if I cooked a new recipe every week, it'd be years before I got through them all. So ... I'm going to give it a try.

What you'll find in my blog is a record of the recipe I try each week and my opinion of the recipe - was it easy, how much time did it take, did my daughter like it, was it cheap and other thoughts.

Happy cooking!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Week 15: Cheesy Root Veggie Bake

Source: I have no idea :-) I didn't make it up, but I wrote it down from somewhere without documenting the source
Overall Impression: Wow!
It was ... so easy, slice and ignore while it bakes and YUMMY!

Cheesy Root Veggie Bake
Time = 1 hr 30 min
Servings = 8

olive oil
2 turnips, peeled
4 golden potatoes
1 large sweet potato, peeled
2 parsnips, peeled
2 carrots, peeled
1/2 onion
1 teaspoon dried rosemary, divided
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
salt and pepper

I didn't snap a picture until it was half gone

Preheat oven to 400 F.  Slice all veggies to 1/4" thick, except slice the onion as thin as you can.  Grease the inside of a large casserole dish with olive oil.  Layer half the veggies in the casserole dish.  Sprinkle with 1/2 teaspoon rosemary and some salt and pepper.  Layer half the cheese over.  Repeat - veggies, rosemary, salt/pepper and cheese.  Bake, covered, for 50 minutes.  Check the middle with a knife to see if it's tender enough.  Bake 15 more minutes if necessary.  Uncover in the last 15 minutes if you like the top to get browned.

Any root veggies will work.  You can use leeks instead of onions.  Some garlic heads would be good too.

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