
I'm a working mom who loves to cook. I don't subscribe to any diet fads and we don't have dietary restrictions in our house. We just love healthy, home-cooked, from-scratch food.

To say I'm addicted to recipes is an understatement. I can sit and read a cookbook like you read a novel. Magazines with recipes litter my desk and counter tops. Even if I cooked a new recipe every week, it'd be years before I got through them all. So ... I'm going to give it a try.

What you'll find in my blog is a record of the recipe I try each week and my opinion of the recipe - was it easy, how much time did it take, did my daughter like it, was it cheap and other thoughts.

Happy cooking!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Tip: Chicken Thighs are Cheap

Cheaper than chicken breasts anyway.  The ones in the picture were $2/lb less than the same brand chicken breasts and both were boneless and skinless.  In any recipe, you can replace one breast with two thighs and save some cash.  Once they are mixed into pad thai, chicken fried rice, curry, soup, etc. no one will even know.

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